Monday, March 7, 2011

Snowed in!

I cannot believe the amount of snow in my driveway. I had NO idea it snowed this much last night!!!
This is my car....'s somewhere in there...

Mama in the not-plowed-very-well road.

Me freezing.

I'm pretty annoyed at this point because yesterday was actually pretty nice out, a lot of snow melted...but then last night we got dumped with more than I ever thought possible. I made an attempt to shovel the driveway but I don't even know where to begin.

I guess it's a great day to sew!

On another note, I went to The SMUT. magazine jump-off this past Friday and just found a couple photos with me in it. Fun fun.

OK so they're not the BEST photos but still, I was there. (see in the middle of the floor next to the girl with the plaid shirt and hat. Haha)

Well my loves, I hope that if you're snowed in today that you have a splendid day of, perhaps, crafting!

much love



  1. wow, it's really super snowy!
    Amaing photos, really.
    And that party looks really good, the place is lovely!

  2. Oh geez! and I was complaining about getting a couple inches. This looks like no fun, beautiful, but no fun. I absolutely HATE driving in the snow!

  3. @Nicoletta THANKS! And the party was fun! Tons of great music and great art! :)

    @MJ I also cannot STAND driving in the snow, I had to go somewhere today and I ended up just walking there, it was only like 3 miles one way...not too bad? Haha


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